Echo Bay United Church Sunday School 2007

TEACHERS: Candace Withers, Cathy Bright, Vivian Hall, Myra MacDonald, Margo Shaw

Highlights of the year included:

Breakfast with the Wisemen: a journey to discover the role of the wisemen was held following a pancake breakfast prepared by Gerald and Judy Mills.

A valentine event

Joined Desbarats Sunday School for a skating party

Enjoyed an old fashioned picnic with Bar River

Lurch the church lizard joined the Sunday School family

Ventured to Bruce Mines for the Journey of Love – Holy Walk

Gained knowledge of Jewish customs by visiting the synagogue in the Sault

The White Gift Service was presented by the children

The year ended with a baby shower for Jesus with the gifts going to the Pregnancy Centre in Sault Ste. Marie

The children have explored the bible through various activities involving their tactile, auditory and of course their taste sensations.