Echo Bay Pastoral Charge

Est. 1897

Sunday Worship Services Echo Bay

Sunday Services begin at 11:15


Sunday Worship Services Bar River

Church services begin at 9:45

Echo Bay Community Food Bank - You can access food.

The food bank is operating now the first and third Wednesday from 1 to 2 pm. Also the second Wednesday from 6 to 7 pm. Please come to the front door and knock and someone will bring items out for you.

For emergency food requirements please call 705-946-9879 or 705-248-2891.

Outreach Committee 2008

Chairpersons – Jeanette Halcrow, Lorna Greene Treasurer – Cathy Bright Secretary – Lorna Greene, Suzanne Evoy Goodwill Ambassador – Linda Prodan Committee Members – Connie McPhee, Elaine Evoy, Laurie Evoy, Vivian Hall, Margo Shaw, Jean Armstrong As you know, our hearts were saddened this year with the passing of Jeanette Halcrow and Connie McPhee. These…

Echo Bay United Church Sunday School 2008

Our Sunday School started 2008 with our 2nd annual Breakfast with the Wisemen. We invited both Bar River and Desbarats Sunday Schools to join us. Colleen Alloi provided us with a real lamb for the event. where we had yummy pancakes cooked by Gerald and Judy Mills, then the pageant, crafts and baking. January to…

Outreach Committee 2007

Chair: Jeanette Halcrow Treasurer: Cathy Bright Secretary: Kim Evoy Welcoming Convenor: Linda Prodan Membership of 11, including above. The Outreach Committee has continued working in our community to help our church put our faith into action. The expenses incurred by families when tragedy strikes can cause great hardships for those affected. We attempted to lighten…

Echo Bay United Church Sunday School 2007

TEACHERS: Candace Withers, Cathy Bright, Vivian Hall, Myra MacDonald, Margo Shaw Highlights of the year included: Breakfast with the Wisemen: a journey to discover the role of the wisemen was held following a pancake breakfast prepared by Gerald and Judy Mills. A valentine event Joined Desbarats Sunday School for a skating party Enjoyed an old…